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The Double-Edged Sword of Daily Workload Compliance: Benefits and Drawbacks to Watch Out For

Implementing workload daily compliance follow-up in maintenance can have advantages and disadvantages, depending on the specific context in which it is implemented. Some of the advantages of daily compliance follow-up in maintenance include:


1. Improved equipment uptime: When maintenance tasks are completed on time, it can prevent equipment breakdowns and increase uptime. This can ultimately lead to cost savings and improved productivity.

2. Increased safety: Regular maintenance can help to improve safety by identifying potential hazards before they become a major issue.

3. Better planning: By tracking daily workload compliance, managers can plan more effectively, ensuring that the necessary resources and personnel are available to complete tasks on time.

On the other hand, there are also potential disadvantages to implementing daily workload compliance follow-up in maintenance, including:


1. Reduced flexibility: When employees are focused on daily workload compliance, it can limit their ability to respond to unexpected maintenance needs and emergencies.

2. Increased stress: Constant monitoring and tracking can result in excessive stress for employees, leading to burnout, decreased productivity, and even turnover.

3. Micromanagement: Managers may become overly focused on daily compliance and micromanage employees, which can have negative impacts on morale and engagement.

However, it is important to consider the potential long-term impacts of implementing daily workload compliance follow-up in maintenance.

Good Impacts

1. Efficient Workforce: The continuous monitoring of maintenance tasks ensures that employees work quickly and efficiently, leading to productivity gains.

2. Reduced breakdowns: By tracking and completing maintenance tasks daily, there will be fewer unexpected breakdowns, leading to reduced costs and improved uptime.

3. Improved safety: Regular maintenance can help identify potential hazards before they become major safety issues.

Bad Impacts

1. Decreased job satisfaction: When employees feel like they are constantly being measured and monitored, it can decrease job satisfaction and lead to disengagement.

2. Stifled innovation: When employees are too focused on meeting daily workload goals, it can limit their ability to think creatively and innovate. This can prevent organizations from identifying new ways to streamline maintenance processes or make improvements in equipment reliability and safety.

3. Reduced morale: Excessive monitoring and tracking can create a negative work environment, leading to lower morale among employees.

Several studies have found that real-time tracking of maintenance work can lead to significant gains in efficiency and cost savings. For example, the Swedish Institute of Computer Science found that by using a combination of GPS tracking and digital records, maintenance workers were better able to plan their work, leading to a 25% reduction in idle time.

Similarly, the City of Las Vegas implemented a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) that led to a 20% reduction in maintenance costs and a 10% increase in productivity. However, it is important for organizations to consider the potential drawbacks, particularly when it comes to employee well-being and morale.

In conclusion, while daily workload compliance follow-up in maintenance can have short-term benefits, it is important for organizations to balance the need for compliance tracking with a focus on employee development, innovation, and job satisfaction. By doing so, organizations can build a strong maintenance program that leads to improved outcomes and a positive work environment.

Borderline Personality Disorder: Unlocking the Hidden Benefits for Organizations.

Borderline personality disorder (#BPD) is a condition that affects one’s ability to regulate their emotions and maintain stable relationships. Despite the challenges that come with this disorder, individuals with BPD can possess certain skills that make them valuable employees for organizations. In this post, we’ll explore how organizations can benefit from employees with BPD, as well as the departments where they can excel.

1. Creativity and Innovation

Studies have found that individuals with BPD often display higher levels of creativity and innovation than those without the disorder. This could be because they tend to have a unique perspective on things and are more willing to take risks. For organizations looking to come up with new ideas and solutions, having employees who can bring a fresh perspective to the table can be hugely beneficial.

2. Intense Focus and Attention to Detail

Individuals with BPD can become easily focused on a specific task or project, demonstrating high levels of concentration and attention to detail. They can also be highly motivated to complete tasks with perfection, making them great employees for roles that require detail-oriented work such as data analysis or quality control.

3. Empathetic and Compassionate

Despite being known for their erratic and impulsive behavior, individuals with BPD are also known for their intense empathy and ability to connect with others on an emotional level. This can make them valuable additions to teams that require a high degree of interpersonal skills, such as human resources or customer service.

4. Ability to Cope with Stress and Pressure

Another positive trait of individuals with BPD is that they can withstand high levels of stress and pressure, due to the emotional instability that comes with the condition. They are often resilient and able to bounce back from setbacks, making them suitable for roles that require frequent challenges and adaptability, such as project management or sales.

Examples of Success Stories

One prominent example of an individual with BPD who has excelled in the workplace is Marsha Linehan, the developer of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), an evidence-based treatment for BPD. She attributes her success to her intense focus and attention to detail, which allowed her to learn and develop the therapy. She has also credited her personal experience with BPD as a motivating factor in her work.

Another example is #Lisa #Flynt, the #CEO of Larry Flynt #Publications, who has publicly shared her battle with BPD. She attributes her success to her ability to cope with stress and pressure, as well as her intense empathy, which helped her understand customers’ needs.

Individuals with BPD can possess valuable skills that make them suited for certain roles in organizations. By recognizing and supporting these strengths, organizations can create a more diverse and inclusive workplace. If you or someone you know has BPD and is looking for work, there are many resources available to support individuals with the condition in finding fulfilling and successful careers.


Linehan, M. (2020). Applied Behavioral Science and Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Behavior Modification, 44(3), 313-330.

Flynt, L. (2009). Larry Flynt: The First Amendment and My Battle with B.P.D. Reason, 41(4), 36-38.

Zanarini, M. C., Ruser, T. F., & Frankenburg, F. R. (2018). Axis I disorders in former borderline inpatients with versus without a history of sustained employment. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation, 5(1), 7.

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